In addition, we need to strengthen tax collection and supervision as well as supervision of non-tax revenue in accordance with the law, strictly crack down on tax fraud, and collect all due taxes. 同时,要依法加强税收征管和非税收入管理,严厉打击偷骗税行为,做到应收尽收。
In addition to the rail spending and tax breaks, Beijing has warned local governments to spend money that has been allocated for approved projects-or risk losing it. 除了铁路投资和税收优惠外,北京方面还警告地方政府把拨给已批项目的经费花出去,否则可能收回预算。
In addition to delaying the second and final phase of the tax increase by a year and a half, to April 2017, Mr. Abe called a snap election for next month. 除了把增税计划的第二和最后阶段推迟一年半,改期到2017年4月,安倍晋三还要求把选举提前到下个月。
In addition to the EU's customs tariffs and measures, imports into Hungary are subject to a value-added tax, whose general rate is set at20%. 除欧盟通用税项及规则外,所有对匈牙利的出口将须缴付约百分之20的增值税。
Mr. Li: In addition to the application form, you should produce the bill of the tax payment last month. 李先生:交申请表时要附带上月所得税的缴款书。
In addition, the central government's recent decision to increase the consumption tax on liquor sales has squeezed liquor makers'profit margins, laying the ground for the price rises. 此外,最近中央政府近期决定对白酒销售增加消费税也挤压了生产商的利润,加剧了白酒价格的上涨。
In addition to the income tax levied on foreign enterprises in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article a local income tax of 10 per cent of the same taxable income shall be levied. 外国企业按照前条规定缴纳所得税的同时,应当另按应纳税的所得额缴纳百分之十的地方所得税。
In addition, mobile tax bases-capital, corporations, skilled professionals-tend to move to countries with favourable tax regimes, thus driving a race to the bottom as regards tax rates. Labour, being less mobile, carries an increasing burden. 此外,流动性税基资本、企业、资深专业人士往往会向税制有利的国家转移,从而导致各国竞相降低税率。流动性不那么强的劳工阶层则承担起日益沉重的税务负担。
Tax official: the taxpayer will face stringent criminal punishment in addition to the fine. These punishments also apply to the taxpayer that report false tax return after receiving administrative penalties twice or more. 税务局:除罚款外要追究行事责任。这个规定也适用于有过两次行政处罚又虚假申报的情况。
In addition to using several general methods, this article uses System Dynamics to analyze the effects of different kinds of tax policy, and offers a new research method for discovering problems and solving them in tax policy. 在研究方法方面,本文除了运用对税收分析的通用方法外,还通过系统动力学方法的运用,对各种税收政策的效果进行预测,为税收政策存在问题的仿真分析提供了一个新的研究方法。
In addition, as some accountants do not understand tax policy very well, it causes to be paid less tax than should be, the result is that tax policy is not be implemented properly. 另外由于有些企业财会人员素质不高等原因导致其对税收政策的不了解而出现错误纳税,也成为其偷逃税的一个客观因素,其结果是税收政策未能被有效地贯彻实施。
In addition to the tax, mine geological environment recovering deposit and land reclamation fee and soil erosion prevention and compensation are also led to some of the problems when they are repeat collected. 除了税,矿山地质环境治理恢复保证金与土地复垦费和水土流失防治与补偿费也是出于对环境的补偿,但他们之间重复征收也引发了一些问题。
In addition, in order to achieve the success of the pattern reform of personal income tax, certain supporting measures should be reinforced, such as perfecting legal system to improve the information collecting ability of the tax authority, and raising taxpayers 'tax consciousness as well. 此外,为了圆满完成我国个人所得税课征模式改革,还需要强化相关配套措施,如完善法律规定、提高税务机关获取涉税信息的能力、提高纳税人的纳税意识等。
In addition, should allow to provide the mix form guarantee, should permit the tax payment guarantee change under the certain condition. 此外,应允许提供混合形式的担保,在一定条件下应允许纳税担保变更。
In addition, this paper pointed out that the property tax levy will cause housing prices to decline in the short term, and that tax burden during maintain phase will increase in the long term. 此外,本文分析指出物业税开征,在短期内会导致房价下降,而长期来看,保有阶段税负增加。
In addition to enhancing the internal management of tax authority, it also provides decision support to the optimization of the scarce human resources, in order to achieve the goal of improving the quality of tax service. 在加强税务机关内部管理的同时为实现紧缺的人力资源的最优配置提供决策支持,最终实现提高纳税服务质量的目的。
In addition to the laws of our country and draw lessons from foreign advanced experience, see our country non-profit organization of the tax law there are still a lot of defects. 第三部分,针对我国法律规定和借鉴国外先进经验,看出我国非营利组织的税法规制还存在很大的不足和缺陷。
In addition, commercial real estate is as VAT-deductible, but generally do not have to live with the estate tax for housing. 另外,商用不动产均纳入增值税抵扣范围,而居住用不动产一般不用纳税。
In addition even if the current taxes related to environmental protection are also concentrated in the resource tax, consumption tax and some other taxes in the. 另外即使现行的与环保相关的税种也主要集中在资源税,消费税等一些税种中。
Real estate companies, as taxpayers, in addition to the obligation to pay taxes according to law, there are proactive ways to use tax planning within the framework of the legal tax-saving, reducing the tax burden right. 房地产企业作为纳税人,除了有依法纳税的义务外,还有主动运用税收筹划的方法在法律的框架内进行节税,减少税负的权利。